April 14-May, 2007 Junior Arts Center Gallery at Barnsdall Park
4814 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90027
Sunday, April 14, 2007: Exhibition Reception
Saturday, May 12, 2007: Conversations with the artists

ECOART IS A VISUAL CONVERSATION ABOUT OUR PLANET’S FUTURE initiated by a circle of artists who are actively taking a stand for sustainable living

ECOARTISTS: Ruth Askren, Ulla Barr, Gregor Goethals, Ann Isolde, Julie Kornblum, Linda Lundell, Cathy Salser, Hani Shafran, Gabriela Sincich, Deborah Thomas, France White

The EcoArt group is a program of the Southern California Women’s Caucus for Art, one of 33 chapters of the national Women’s Caucus for Art—the leading nonprofit organization for women actively engaged in the visual arts professions.

Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles