Pulse of LA in the Time of Protest

Open to all members, no fee. Please submit your artwork on entrythingy.  Deadline is: July 25, 2020. 

Pulse of LA in the Time of Protest will be installed on the new SCWCA Exhibition online venue! Visit here.

Special Edition: Pulse of L.A. in the Time of Quarantine, an online exhibition showcasing the work of our members. Each member can submit one work of art and a short statement. We will be rolling this out in sections each month in our new exhibition portal created by board member Melissa Reichsmann and board member Karen Schifman will be curating related programming. Deadline for our first group of entries will be June 15, 2020. We hope to have our first collection of artists exhibited on our website by the first of July. Entries will be selected from entrythingy and there is no fee. Look for the title Special Edition: Pulse of LA in the Time of Quarantine on entrythingy.